If you are able to communicate the details of a concert, research or an event concerning Ivan Wyschnegradsky, we would be grateful for your informing us.

Content: Upcoming concerts | Exhibitions | Conferences | Publications | Past concerts


29/01/2025 - Montreal (Canada): 5 Préludes op. 22 - Read

NB Past concerts are available beyond (click here).


From February 02, 2023 to April 01, 2023: MOSCOW, in the International Exhibition Centre « Manezh »: exhibition « House of Culture of the USSR » – for the 100th anniversary of the formation of the USSR in 1922.

Ivan Wyschnegradsky

The photo of Wyschnegradsky appears alongside those of Prokofiev and Stravinsky, among the artists who emigrated in the 1920s

From 10 june to 17 september 2017: in the context of Documentra in Kassel (Germany), exhibition of 6 chromatic drawings by Wyschnegradsky from Fondation Paul-Sacher (Basel).
From 29 april to 17 september 2017: in LAAC (Lieu d’Art et Action contemporaine) at Dunkerque, during the exhibition Musiques à voir (musique/arts plastiques : interactions), exhibition of 4 chromatic drawings by Wyschnegradsky. Art curator: Jean-Yves Bosseur.


2 july 2023: KAZAN (Russia)
Daniele Buccio: On the Correspondence of Expressive Means in the Stage Works of Ivan Wyschnegradsky
12 october 2021: BASEL – Foundation Paul-Sacher.
Daniele Buccio: On Ivan Wyschnegradsky’s dramatic works: Linnite – l’Acte chorégraphique – l’Eternel Etranger
23 september 2021: MOSCOW : EUROMAC X (European Music Analysis)
Daniele Buccio: Ivan Wyschnegradsky’s theoretical research about le Carré magique sonore and its applications to composition


◊ December 2022 : Publication by GENUIN label (https://www.genuin.de) of Quatuor Asasello ‘s CD including the 2nd quatuor by Wyschnegradsky, and others quatuors by Lourié, Staude and Scriabine (transcription by Gérard Pesson of the 9th piano sonata).

◊ October 2022 : Publication by Peewee label (https://peeweelabel.com) of Simon Goubert jazz drummer’s album, who improvises on Ivan Wyschnegradsky’s works in putting them in a loop.

◊ March 2022: Publication by Editions JOBERT (www.jobert.fr) of the score of Ombres, 3 early works for piano solo in 1/2 ton. Revision and presentation by Martine Joste.

◊ February 2021: Publication by INDESENS (indesensdigital.fr) of the CD « Méditation », including works for cello and piano by Rachmaninov, Tchaïkovski, Scriabine and WYSCHNEGRADSKY (Méditation sur 2 thèmes de La Journée de l’Existence op.7), with David Louwerse and François Daudet.


◊ November 2020: Publication in Switzerland of a non-commercial LP in limited edition with works by Wyschnegradsky played in september 2019 in Basle on his 1/4 tone piano with 3 keyboards.
To get the LP, email to : koitka@zwischenzeit.ch.

◊ September 2019: Publication in Canada (Montreal) of a special issue of the journal CIRCUIT, in which most of articles refer to the work and music of Ivan Wyschnegradsky. The issue also includes a review of the english translation of his Traité d’Harmonie en 1/4 de ton, made and published by R. et N. Kaplan c/o Underwolf – and a critique of our last CD: 4 pianos 1/4 de ton, published by label Shiiin and including works for 4 pianos and Ondes Martenot by Ivan Wyschnegradsky, and also Alain Bancquart and Alain Moëne’s first performances. See www.revuecircuit.ca.

◊ April 2019: Publication by Editions JOBERT (www.jobert.fr) of the score of 3 pièces op.38 for piano solo in 1/2 ton: Prélude – Elévation – Solitude. Revision by Martine Joste and Bruce Mather. Presentation by Martine Joste.

◊ September 2018: Publication by Editions JOBERT (www.jobert.fr) of the score of Chant douloureux et Etude op. 6 for violin and piano. Revision by Solange Ancona and Martine Joste. Fingerings for violin and bowing by Léo Marillier. Presentation by Pascale Criton.

◊ December 2017: Publication of the CD Ivan WYSCHNEGRADSKY, Alain BANCQUART, Alain MOËNE – Pianos en quart de ton by label Shiiin and with the support of the Francis and Mica Salabert Foundation – Works for 2 and 4 pianos tuned a 1/4 tone apart, ondes Martenot and cello.

With Matthieu Acar, Hiroko Arimoto, Jean-François Ballèvre, Dominique Ciot, Cyrille Guion, Martine Joste, Manon Lonchamp, Emiri Wada, Guanlan Xu, Li Xie, Yoko Yamada, pianos, Cécile Lartigau, ondes Martenot, Noé Natorp, cello. Conductor: Léo Margue.
Ivan Wyschnegradsky :
4e Fragment symphonique op.38c for ondes Martenot and 4 pianos (1956)
Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra op.17 for 4 pianos (1930/1936)
Méditation sur deux thèmes de la Journée de l’Existence op.7 for cello and piano 1/2 ton (1918/1976)
Alain Moëne :
De l’ange for 2 pianos (2015)
Alain Bancquart :
Racines for 4 pianos (2014)
To buy the CD, refer to www.shiiin.com or contact us.
◊ September 2017: Publication by Editions Underwolf/Princeton/USA of the Manuel d’Harmonie en 1/4 de ton translated in english and released by Noah et Rosalie Kaplan (click here – https://underwolf.com/wyschnegradsky to order).


◊ September 2013: Publication of the score of Méditation sur deux thèmes de La Journée de l’Existence, Op. 7 for cello and piano by Editions JOBERT. Revision by Association Ivan Wyschnegradsky. Fingerings and bowing by Christophe Roy. See www.jobert.fr or contact us.


◊ December 2013: Publication by Editions SYMETRIE of the book Ivan Wyschnegradsky – Libération du son – Ecrits 1916-1979, texts gathered, presented and annotated by Pascale Criton.
The book has received in april 2014 the Prix des Muses, in category Prix du Document.


This 528 page book, released by Editions SYMETRIE in its Symétrie Recherche collection, series 20-21, was published with the assistance of Centre national du livre, of Fondation Francis et Mica Salabert, of Sacem and of the Ivan Wyschnegradsky Association. It offers a collection of unpublished texts and of reissued articles by Ivan Wyschnegradsky, brought together, presented and annotated by Pascale Criton: unpublished writings from the composer’s youth (1916-1920); articles unpublished in French (1922-1926) the text of which was reconstituted in Russian by Elena Poldiaeva from the originals at Sacher Foundation; Michèle Kahn ensured the translation into French. It also includes articles that appeared in various French magazines (1924-1971) such as La Revue Musicale, Polyphonie, Le Ménestrel, La Revue d’Esthétique, essentially accessible in libraries.
The book includes many illustrations, diagrams, musical examples, drawings and photographs of Ivan Wyschnegradsky, a 14 page notebook of colour illustrations and, as annexes, a catalogue of works, a bibliography, a discography, and an index of works and persons. See www.symetrie.com or contact us.


18/05/2024 - Polizzi Generosa (Sicily): Etudes op. 44 a and b, Etude op. 48 n°2 - Read

17/03/2024 - Essen (Germany): 2ème Quatuor à cordes op. 18 - Read

10/03/2024 - Bern (Switzerland): 2ème Quatuor à cordes op. 18 - Read

28/02/2024 - Moscow (Russia): Composition pour quatuor à cordes op. 43 - Read

31/01/2024 - Moscow (Russia): The red Gospel op. 8 - Read

25/11/2023 - Munich (Germany): Trio à cordes op. 53 - Read

13/10/2023 - New-York (USA): Deux Chants sur Nietzsche op. 9, A Richard Wagner op. 26, Deux Chants russes op. 29 - Read

29/09/2023 - Moscow (Russia): La Journée de l’Existence, reduction for voice and piano - Read

28/09/2023 - Palermo (Sicily): Transcriptions by G. Damiani for synthesizer of Prélude et Etude op. 48 for Carrillo’s piano in third of tone, and Deux Pièces op. 44 for Carrillo’s piano in sixths of tone and in twelfths of tone - Read

20/04/2023 - Basel (Switzerland): 24 Préludes op. 22, Transparences I et II – Photo and details: - Read

13/04/2023 - Paris: Prélude op. 38 – Photo and details: - Read

17/02/2023 - Moscow (Russia): La Journée de l’Existence by Persimfans orchestra – Photo and details: - Read

14/09/2022 - Saint-Petersburg (Russia): seminar-concert by Daniele Buccio - Read

07/08/2022 - Moscow (Russia): La Journée de l’Existence by Persimfans orchestra - Read

06/08/2022 - Souzdal (Russia): La Journée de l’Existence by Persimfans orchestra - Read

01/04/2022 - Palermo (Sicily): Di-ra-te-lo-tu - Read

26/03/2022 - Bern (Switzerland): 12 from 24 Préludes op. 22b, Etude sur les Mouvements rotatoires op. 45a, Transparences I and II op. 35 and op. 47, Prélude et fugue op. 30, Dialogues à trois op. 51, Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra op. 17, Troisième Fragment symphonique op. 31, Quatrième Fragment symphonique, Arc-en-ciel I op. 37, Arc-en-ciel II op. 52 - Read

10/03/2022 - Zurich (Switzerland): 12 from 24 Préludes op. 22 - Read

03/02/2022 - Due to the pandemic, concert postponed to May-June – Montreuil-sous-Bois (near Paris): Early works for piano (first performance), Méditation sur deux thèmes de la Journée de l’Existence op. 7 for cello and piano, Chant douloureux et Etude op. 6 for violin, and the last work by the composer, the Trio à cordes op. 53 - Read

13/12/2021 - Moscow: Etude sur le Carré magique sonore op. 40, transcription for quintet by Oleg Tantsov - Read

27/11/2021 - Paris: Prélude and Solitude op. 38 - Read

04/09/2021 - Beauchery-Saint-Martin (France/Seine-et-Marne): Trio à cordes op. 53, 2ème Quatuor op. 18 – concert introduced by Martine Joste and Léo Marillier - Read

29/08/2021 - Paris: 2nd Quatuor op. 18 - Read

21/08/2021 - Ostrava (Czech republic): Préludes op. 22 for 2 pianos - Read

27/05/2021 - Moscow: First Quartet op.13 - Read

05/04/2021 - Postponed – Los Angeles (USA): Cosmos, Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra, Etude sur les Mouvements rotatoires, Préludes op.22 - Read

24/02/2021 - Postponed until autumn 2021 – Montreuil-sous-Bois (near Paris): Œuvres de jeunesse, Chant douloureux et Etude op. 6, Méditation sur deux thèmes de la Journée de l’Existence op. 7, Etude sur le Carré magique sonore op. 40, Trio à cordes op. 53 - Read

05/12/2019 - Malakoff (near Paris): 2ème Quatuor - Read

21/11/2019 - Fürth (Germany): Méditation sur deux Thèmes de La journée de l’Existence op. 7, Quatre Fragments op. 5b, 24 Préludes op. 22 (excerpts) - Read

15/11/2019 - Bratislava (Slovakia): Préludes op. 22 pour 2 pianos - Read

19/10/2019 - Bern (Switzerland): Deuxième quatuor op. 18 - Read

22/09/2019 - Basel (Switzerland): Arc-en-Ciel I op. 37, Arc-en-Ciel II op.52, Prélude et Fugue op. 30, Dialogues op. 51, L’Affirmation du Paradoxe éthique - Read

13/09/2019 - Bern (Switzerland): Arc-en-ciel op. 37 - Read

07/09/2019 - Basel (Switzerland): Chant douloureux et Etude op. 6, Chant nocturne op. 11, Préludes from 24 Préludes op. 22 - Read

06/09/2019 - Basel (Switzerland): Trio à cordes op. 53 - Read

05/09/2019 - Basel (Switzerland): Méditation sur deux thèmes de La Journée de l’Existence op. 7, Prélude et Danse op. 16, Quatre Préludes op. 22, Etude sur le carré magique sonore op. 40 - Read

16/06/2019 - San Francisco (USA): Préludes op. 22, Trois Pièces op. 38, Etude sur le Carré magique sonore op. 40), Etude sur les Mouvements rotatoires op.45a, Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra op. 12, Cosmos op. 29 - Read

06/06/2019 - Basel (Switzerland): quatuors by Ivan Wyschnegradsky - Read

04/06/2019 - Basel (Switzerland) : Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra op. 17, Troisième Fragment symphonique op. 31, Transparences I op. 35, Etude sur les mouvements rotatoires op. 45a, Quatrième Fragment symphonique op. 38c - Read

03/06/2019 - Basel (Switzerland) : Quatre Préludes op. 22, Etude sur le Carré magique sonore op. 40, Trois Pièces op. 38 - Read

14/05/2019 - Vitry-sur-Seine (France): Préludes à 2 pianos op.22, Etude sur les Mouvements rotatoires op. 45a, Chant douloureux op. 11, Intégrations op. 49, Chant douloureux et Etude op.6 - Read

04/05/2019 - San Francisco (USA): Dialogue à trois - Read

03/04/2019 - La Roche-sur-Yon (France): Prélude op. 38 - Read

30/03/2019 - Nurnberg (Germany): Méditation sur deux thèmes de La Journée de l’Existence op. 7 - Read

23/03/2019 - San Francisco (USA): Quatuors à cordes n°1 op.13, n°2 op. 18, n°3 op. 38 bis, Composition pour Quatuor à cordes op. 43, Trio à cordes op. 53 - Read

11/03/2019 - Montreal (Canada): Deux Chants sur Nietzsche op. 9 - Read

04/11/2018 - Himmelkron (Germany): Fragments op. 5 - Read

02/08/2018 - La Grave (France): Méditation sur deux thèmes de La Journée de l’Existence op. 7 (Edition Jobert) - Read

25/05/2018 - Saint-Petersburg (Russia) : Chant douloureux et Etude op. 6 (Edition Jobert) - Read

13/04/2018 - New-York (USA) : Chant douloureux et Etude op. 6 for violin and piano - Read

13/03/2018 - Montreuil (France), La Marbrerie : works for 2 pianos tuned a 1/4 tone apart, ondes Martenot and violin - Read

11/03/2018 - Princeton (USA) : 14 Préludes, from 24 Préludes op. 22 for 2 pianos - Read

24/01/2018 - Montreal (Canada) : Etude sur le Carré magique sonore op. 40 for piano solo - Read

11/01/2018 - Basel (Switzerland) : Méditation sur deux thèmes de la journée de l’Existence op. 7 for cello and piano - Read

17/11/2017 - Meaux (France), Musée de la Grande Guerre : Préludes op. 2 - Read

08/11/2017 - Karlsruhe (Germany): Chant douloureux op. 6 for violin and piano - Read

17/09/2017 - Dunkerque, LAAC (Lieu d’Art et Action contemporaine), France : Etude sur le Carré magique sonore - Read

19/07/2017 - Voutezac (Corrèze), France : 5 Préludes pour 2 pianos op. 22 - Read

04/06/2017 - Kunnersdorf, near Görlitz (Germany) : Le Scintillement des Etoiles op. 4 for voice and piano - Read

10/02/2017 - Urbana (USA) : Dialogue à deux op. 41 for two pianos - Read

25/01/2017 - Montreal (Canada) : Deux Chants sur Nietzche op. 9 - Read

11/01/2017 - Paris, Auditorium Bernanos: Chant douloureux and Etude op. 6 for violin and piano - Read

27/11/2016 - Kunnersdorf, near Görlitz (Germany) : Méditation sur 2 thèmes de la Journée de l’Existence - Read

11/08/2016 - Aichi (Japan): works by Ivan Wyschnegradsky - Read

10/08/2016 - Aichi (Japan): works by Ivan Wyschnegradsky and Julian Carrillo - Read

31/05/2016 - Les Lilas (France – 93), Théâtre du Garde-Chasse: Préludes - Read

19/05/2016 - Quimper (France), Théâtre de Cornouaille: Méditation sur deux thèmes de la Journée de l’Existence pour violoncelle et piano - Read

20/02/2016 - Aichi (Japan): work by Ivan Wyschnegradsky - Read

19/02/2016 - Paris: concert performance and CD recording - Read

27/01/2016 - Montreal (Canada): Dialogue à deux - Read

12/12/2015 - Châtenay-Malabry (France – 92), Conservatoire: Préludes - Read

18/11/2015 - Jaffa (Israël) : Méditation sur deux thèmes de La journée de l’Existence - Read

17/11/2015 - Rouen, Théâtre des Arts : Méditation sur deux thèmes de La journée de l’Existence - Read

12/11/2015 - Montreal (Canada) : two Mélodies op. 3 Le soleil décline - Read

29/10/2015 - Montreal (Canada) : Méditation sur deux thèmes de La journée de l’Existence - Read

25/09/2015 - Aichi (Japan): works by Ivan Wyschnegradsky and Alois Hába - Read

07/09/2015 - Berlin, Musik Festspiele – Philharmonie : Arc-en-ciel op. 37 and op. 52a for 6 pianos tuned a twelfth of a tone apart - Read

26/06/2015 - Gregynog (Waless): Méditation sur deux Thèmes de la Journée de l’Existence op. 7 - Read

14/06/2015 - Lille piano(s) festival: Méditation sur deux Thèmes de la Journée de l’Existence op. 7 - Read

30/04/2015 - Metz (France): Méditation sur deux Thèmes de la Journée de l’Existence op. 7 - Read

21/01/2015 - Montreal (Canada): Cinq Préludes pour 2 pianos op. 22 - Read

07/09/2014 - Festival BIFEM (Bendigo, Australia): Golden Fur ensemble - Read

28/03/2014 - CNSM Paris: Study day coordinated by Pascale Criton and Pierre-Albert Castanet - Read

28/03/2014 - Helsinki (Finland): Sibelius Academy’s concert - Read

27/03/2014 - CDMC Paris: International study day – Ivan Wyschnegradsky, l’ultrachromatisme, entre futurisme et constructivisme - Read

10/09/2013 - Festival de Lucerne (Switzerland): Arc-en-ciel op. 37, for 6 pianos tuned a twelfth of a tone apart, conducted by François-Xavier Roth - Read

22/06/2013 - Essen (Germany): Polyphonies spatiales, Op.39 by the Essen Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Eberhard Kloke - Read

26/01/2013 - Montreal: Bruce Mather concert - Read

06/10/2012 - Saint Petersburg: Lecture by Pascale Criton - Read

06/10/2012 - Saint Petersburg: Concert for 2 pianos, Martine Joste / Miroslav Drobot - Read

05/10/2012 - Saint Petersburg: La Scala Ensemble of Amsterdam - Read

02/10/2012 - Moscow: Martine Joste recital - Read

03/05/2012 - Tokyo: La folle journée - Read


Association Ivan Wyschnegradsky - last update 29 june 2024